Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Holidays!!

Happy Holidays to my parents and students.  May this season bring wonder and joy to you all.
 And a special Thank you for all the wonderful gifts and wishes.  I will enjoy all the goodies over this holiday break.

Thanks again,
Mrs. Gomez

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week Activities

We have a lot going on this week:
1. Field Trip on Tuesday
2. Penguin Patch on Thursday
3. Party on Thursday
4. Christmas Sing Along on Friday.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Dibels Testing

Dear Parents

We will be testing all this week and part of next week over the state test Dibels in Reading and Math.  Our regular daily schedule will be somewhat changed to fit in all the testing.  Also we will maintain specials as scheduled. 

Mrs. Gomez

Monday, November 16, 2015

Help Wanted...

Dear Parents
I'm needing help with cutting out laminated papers.  If anyone is able to take the large roll of laminated papers home to cut out and return, please let me know. 

**Also I want to extend a huge thanks to Jacobs mom and Addy's mom for all their help in the classroom.

Mrs. Gomez

Monday, November 9, 2015

Thanksgiving Lunch

Dear Parents,
Don't forget that Thursday the 19th is the day you can eat lunch with your child.  Make sure to purchase your tickets in advance.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Dear Parents
Friday October 30 is the last day to turn in cookie dough money. Also if there is a parent available to come help me with binders and student portfolio work please text me your day and time that you can help.

Thank you
Mrs. Gomez

Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 19, 2015

Classroom News

Thank you to those parents that have donated items to our classroom basket.  This has been very helpful in creating a theme for our class basket.  So far our classroom basket has beans, chili powder, 12 pounds of green chili (thank you to Leah's family), jalepeno jars, and jams.  We will be auctioning off the basket to earn classroom money during the night of the fall festival this Friday, Oct. 23.  

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 5, 2015
Dear Parents 
      Thank you for all the pickles and baggies.  We still need 2 more large jars of pickles and baggies.  Also-just a reminder that those parents that signed up for Oct. 16 day are needed to bag the popcorn prior to the movie scheduled for 7pm.  And those that signed up for helping us during the will help sell snacks.  

 2nd grade team appreciates all your support and help.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Current News

Dear Parents
We still need 6 large gallon jars of pickles for our movie night.  So far we have 4 large gallon jars.  Thank you to those of you who have donated the jars and baggies.

Mrs. Gomez

Monday, September 21, 2015

Upcoming Events

Please look for notes going home over our grade levels movie night which will be on Oct. 16.  We are looking for parents to volunteer for help and my class will be asking for donations of pickles (more specific we need the large jars from Cash and Carry).  See notes for more info.  Also we have a field trip scheduled for Oct. 30th (see note for details).

****Also a big thank you to the parents that have donated items to our class and that have volunteered their time.**** 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Conference Time

Final Conference Schedule 
As of Sept. 16
Final Conference Schedule
 As of Sept 3rd

Dear Parents:
We are fast approaching Parent Conference day-I have several days available after school prior to the 18th.  Please be sure to look for the sign up calendar to sign up for a time and day that is good for you (this will be sent home Friday).  Thank you to those parents that came to open house it was great to see all the kids showing their work.  Also-a class t-shirt form was sent out today.  

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Open House

Dear Parents

We will have our open house Tuesday the 26 to look at your child's classroom and work.  We will also be available to answer any questions.  We have a lot of standards to cover each quarter and will be working diligently to get all the work done.  Please talk with your children about the importance of working hard.  This year is going to be great -I'm looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you.  Don't forget to click on the newsletter tab for further information.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Monday, August 17, 2015

Grading System

Dear Parents
Please note my grading system listed below for any work sent home.  Work that is not graded will have a stamp or smiley face.  As in first grade practice is necessary to helping your child learn and grow.  Therefore, please redo any work that has been graded and has re-do for homework.  As a grade level we have decided to stay with the 4, 3, 2, 1 ratings. 

4= Above Proficiency
3= Proficient
2= Nearing Proficiency
1= Below

Thank you for your help and support.
Mrs. Gomez

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Newsletter tab

Dear Parents
Be sure to click on the newsletter tab to see the latest news for our class.  Also, please note that our newsletter will be posted beginning of 3rd week because we are testing the first two weeks.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Welcome Parents and Students

Welcome to second grade.  We have a fun filled year ahead of us.  To begin our theme is centered around Super Hero's.  We plan on working hard this year and focusing most of our time on developing our writing.  I can't wait to meet all of you and to get to know you.  Hope you all had a great summer!

See you soon,
Mrs. Gomez