March 28-April 1st
March 7-11
Feb 29-March 4
Feb 22-26
Feb. 15-19
Feb. 8-12
Feb. 1-4
Jan. 25-29
Jan. 18-22
Jan. 11-15
Dec. 14-18
**** On Friday we have our Winter Sing along**********
Dec. 7-11
******DIBELS testing all week*********
****ART this week on Thursday*****
Nov. 30-Dec. 4
Nov. 23 & 24
Dear Parents
No newsletter this week. Since we have only two days this week we will be reviewing the past standards. And finishing up our Thanksgiving theme. There are no specials this week. We will be out of school Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
**No homework over the break-I will be keeping the Common core workbooks over the break to check them. Also please look for graded work going home the week after the break.
Happy holidays!
Mrs. Gomez
Nov. 16-20
Nov. 9-13
Nov. 2-6
Oct. 19-23
Oct. 13-16
Oct. 16th Movie Night
Oct. 5-7
Short Week-No Spelling Words
No School Thursday&Friday
September 28- Oct. 2
September 21-25
September 14-18th
September 7-11
August 31-Sept. 4th
**Friday is individual picture day**:)
Dear Parents,
Here is the first newsletter for our classroom. Please note that the Common Core Standards are for the 1st quarter and won't change until the 2nd quarter. We will use all on a weekly basis because they are interwoven into each of the lessons. Make sure to double click the newsletter picture to enlarge. Also-sorry about the small font but it was the only way to add all the text. I'm looking forward to a great year.
Mrs. Gomez
Dear Parents,
For the first two weeks we will be doing Dibels testing and creating our new grade level unit tests. I will be testing all my students over English Language Arts and Math. Therefore, we will not have homework until the 3rd week. More details to come in the newsletter. The newsletter won't be posted on our class blog until the 3rd week. Our specials schedule has changed several times and this should be our final copy. Please see below for our specials days (students will need to wear athletic shoes on PE days). Also please send your child to school with a water bottle that they can refill. These days have been very hot.
Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez
**Point of reference on Specials today August 12, 2015 is Day 3**
Day 1 & 2 NO specials
Day 3 Music, PE, Counselor
Day 4 Library
Day 5 Library, Music
Day 6 PE
***ART is every other week Thursday starting this week**
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