Thursday, August 27, 2015

Conference Time

Final Conference Schedule 
As of Sept. 16
Final Conference Schedule
 As of Sept 3rd

Dear Parents:
We are fast approaching Parent Conference day-I have several days available after school prior to the 18th.  Please be sure to look for the sign up calendar to sign up for a time and day that is good for you (this will be sent home Friday).  Thank you to those parents that came to open house it was great to see all the kids showing their work.  Also-a class t-shirt form was sent out today.  

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Open House

Dear Parents

We will have our open house Tuesday the 26 to look at your child's classroom and work.  We will also be available to answer any questions.  We have a lot of standards to cover each quarter and will be working diligently to get all the work done.  Please talk with your children about the importance of working hard.  This year is going to be great -I'm looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you.  Don't forget to click on the newsletter tab for further information.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Monday, August 17, 2015

Grading System

Dear Parents
Please note my grading system listed below for any work sent home.  Work that is not graded will have a stamp or smiley face.  As in first grade practice is necessary to helping your child learn and grow.  Therefore, please redo any work that has been graded and has re-do for homework.  As a grade level we have decided to stay with the 4, 3, 2, 1 ratings. 

4= Above Proficiency
3= Proficient
2= Nearing Proficiency
1= Below

Thank you for your help and support.
Mrs. Gomez

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Newsletter tab

Dear Parents
Be sure to click on the newsletter tab to see the latest news for our class.  Also, please note that our newsletter will be posted beginning of 3rd week because we are testing the first two weeks.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Welcome Parents and Students

Welcome to second grade.  We have a fun filled year ahead of us.  To begin our theme is centered around Super Hero's.  We plan on working hard this year and focusing most of our time on developing our writing.  I can't wait to meet all of you and to get to know you.  Hope you all had a great summer!

See you soon,
Mrs. Gomez