Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Parent Help

Dear Parents or Guardians

We need help setting up for our movie night so if anyone is available we could use the help after school Friday before the movie.  If you are able to help just come by after school and we can direct you to where to help set up.

Mrs. Gomez

Friday, April 1, 2016

Movie Night/Drinks

Hi Parents and Guardians
Just a reminder that we changed our movie night to next Friday the 8th of April.  For those of you that are donating drinks please send those by Wednesday the 6th of April. 

Again thanks for all you do for our students.
Mrs. Gomez

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Buses will Resume regular schedule tomorrow

Dear Parents or Guardians
Please disregard the notes that went home about buses. A judge ruled that buses need to resume regular schedules tomorrow.

Mrs. Gomez

Monday, March 28, 2016

Field Trip and Movie Night

                                                                                                            March 28, 2016
Dear Parents or Guardians:
Just a friendly reminder that we will be going to NMSU Arthropod museum, Zuhl museum, and the cotton gin on Wednesday.  Make sure to send your $6 dollars so we can print out the purchase orders now.
Also, the second-grade team has changed our movie night to April 8th.  For those of you that will be donating drinks for our movie night, please send them no later than April 6th.  The proceeds for this movie night will help to fund another field trip at the end of the school year.  We hope to get a good turn out from our 2nd-grade families.  
Thank you for all your support and for the donations to our class.
Mrs. Gomez

Monday, February 22, 2016

Dr. Seuss T-Shirt orders

Dear Parents or Guardians
On Friday a green order form went home regarding purchasing Dr. Seuss t-shirts for our up coming Math and Science night that will be on March 3rd.  Please be aware that the note had two different dates for returning the money.  The correct date to return the form is no later than February 24, 2016 because orders need to be back by the 3rd of March.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Lunch Menu Change

Dear Parents or Guardians
There will be some changes to our lunch menu. Please see the dates listed below. 
March 2 Cheese Nachos will change with March 4 Ham and Cheese sandwich and vise versa.

March 9 Bean Tostada will change with March 11 Hot Dog and vise versa.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Conference Schedule

Dear Parents or Guardians
Thank you to those of you that have met with me and your child for conferences these past two weeks.  I still have a week left with slots for those of you that still need to schedule a conference.  Just pick a slot and shoot me a quick text so I can put it in my master schedule.  Below is a copy of my master schedule for the last week of conferences.  Also as a reminder from a previous post we are having the students lead the conferences this round-so they do attend this conference.

Mrs. Gomez

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Parent Conferences

Dear Parents or Guardians
We are starting the next round of parent conferences, so be sure to sign up for a time slot.  Also this round we will be using the data binders to have each student run the conference and explain their own goals for improvement.  So be sure to bring your child to the conference so they can share all their progress this 9 weeks.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Sunday, January 24, 2016

New Incentive Chart/Class tracking form

Dear Parents
We are starting a new part of the Dojo points system by adding a tracking chart to each of your children's binders.  They are in charge of coloring in the chart at the end of each day to show the amount of points they earned.  They will continue to track until they reach 100 points.  Once they reach 100 points and as they move along on the point system they will be rewarded.  See below for the Dojo point chart.  Our class struggles with their volume and so that will be a focus area for us as a class to earn points.  Please help your child be successful by reminding them of this system and checking in on them with regard to their tracking forms in the binders. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Report Cards

Dear Parents
Report cards went out so be sure to check your child's backpack.  The copy is for your records-just send back the report card envelope signed that you have received the report card.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Monday, January 11, 2016

Thank you

Thank you for the wish list items-they sure will come in handy!  Also-I have 2 parents that sent in notes for helping out in the class. 

Thanks again for all the help.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back students and parents.  Hope your holidays were great.  We are now entering into our 3rd quarter and report cards for the end of the 2nd quarter go home Friday. 

**If any parent is available to come in and file work into the students data binders -please let me know via email what time and day so that I may have everything ready.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez