Sunday, January 24, 2016

New Incentive Chart/Class tracking form

Dear Parents
We are starting a new part of the Dojo points system by adding a tracking chart to each of your children's binders.  They are in charge of coloring in the chart at the end of each day to show the amount of points they earned.  They will continue to track until they reach 100 points.  Once they reach 100 points and as they move along on the point system they will be rewarded.  See below for the Dojo point chart.  Our class struggles with their volume and so that will be a focus area for us as a class to earn points.  Please help your child be successful by reminding them of this system and checking in on them with regard to their tracking forms in the binders. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Report Cards

Dear Parents
Report cards went out so be sure to check your child's backpack.  The copy is for your records-just send back the report card envelope signed that you have received the report card.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez

Monday, January 11, 2016

Thank you

Thank you for the wish list items-they sure will come in handy!  Also-I have 2 parents that sent in notes for helping out in the class. 

Thanks again for all the help.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back students and parents.  Hope your holidays were great.  We are now entering into our 3rd quarter and report cards for the end of the 2nd quarter go home Friday. 

**If any parent is available to come in and file work into the students data binders -please let me know via email what time and day so that I may have everything ready.

Thank you,
Mrs. Gomez